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廣告編號# A270106
MS-7000 智慧型木材水分計-上偉科技www.sunwe.com.tw (http://www.sunwe.com.tw/lutron23.htm)

張貼於: 2021年 1月18日(星期一) 07:08
更新於: 2021年 1月18日(星期一) 07:22
到期日: 2021年7月17日(星期六) 07:08


測量範圍 : 9 ~ 30%. ±4% 內建9大類,150種木頭材質分析校正 具有自我校正功能 可記錄最大值,最小值及讀值鎖定 手動溫度補償 : 0 ~ 50°C RS-232 / USB 輸出介面 (軟體選購) Size : 180 x 72 x 32mm. FEATURES

Measure moisture content over range 9 % to 30 %. 9 material species groups in memory, calibrations for about 150 different species of wood/timber are provided. Built-in self-calibration circuit. 0 to 50 ℃ manual temp. compensation setting. Microprocessor circuit assures maximum possible accuracy, provides special functions and features. Super large LCD with dual display. Heavy duty & compact housing case, designed for easy carry out & operation. Records Maximum & Minimum reading with recall. Data hold function to freeze the desired value on display. Auto shut off saves battery life. RS 232 PC serial interface. Built-in low battery indicator. Separate pin type moisture probe, easy operation. & remote measurement. 型錄請參考上偉通信資訊服務網 http://www.sunwe.com.tw:新品保固一年,滿3000元以上免運費專業的工程安裝及精確維修以"合法、專業"服務優質客戶,詢問正確價格或修理請來電 » 02-22267567上偉科技服務中心洽詢

點閱次數: 27

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